​Lafayette College FAM Theater - Easton, PA | Cladding Corp
Cladding Corp Terra5 Terracotta Rainscreen Lafayette College

​Lafayette College FAM Theater - Easton, PA

Lafayette College’s Williams Arts Campus is comprised of the new theater building, Buck Hall, and the renovation of the adjacent Film and Media Studies Mohican Building. Located at the campus edge and city entry, the Williams Arts Campus forms a pivotal gateway between Lafayette College and the City of Easton, PA.

KSS Architects facilitated a collaborative visioning process between Easton and the College, bringing together numerous community stakeholders to gather feedback on transforming the front door of Lafayette’s campus into a vibrant arts hub. Terra5 terracotta rainscreen panels were incorporated on the exterior facade, providing a warm and timeless corner anchor for the new art campus, with traditional clay hues in multiple red shades.

KSS Architects
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Cladding Corp Terra5 Terracotta Rainscreen Lafayette College
Cladding Corp Terra5 Terracotta Rainscreen Lafayette College
Cladding Corp Terra5 Terracotta Rainscreen Lafayette College
Cladding Corp Terra5 Terracotta Rainscreen Lafayette College